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Designação do projeto | INOVAÇÃO PRODUTIVA Código do projeto | CENTRO-02-0853-FEDER-047474 Objetivo principal | OT 3 – Reforçar a competitividade das PME Região de Intervenção | Centro – Figueira da Foz Entidade beneficiária | CLiPER CERÂMICA, S.A. Data de aprovação | 2021-01-21 Data de início | 2019-09-01 Data de conclusão | 2021-08-31 Custo total elegível | 2.885.768,40 € Apoio financeiro da União Europeia | FEDER - 649.297,89 € Descrição (objetivos, atividades, resultados): O presente projeto pretende capacitar a empresa para fabricar com eficiência tecnológica e sustentabilidade ambiental uma gama integrada de pavimentos e revestimentos de dimensões e valor acrescentado superiores,…
TRAFFIC: “Terrazzo” aspect, with soft surface of R10 class and resistant to medium / high intensity traffic. Suitable for coating any domestic area both indoor and outdoor has a vintage look of the current trend. Due to its good resistance to slipping, high resistance to wear TRAFFIC can also be recommended for coating public spaces such as restaurants, offices or commercial spaces. It is presented in 60x60 and 45x45 formats. LEK: Initially designed to respond to a specific market request this collection quickly became a success hence the option to enter it into the catalogue. A range of 5 colors…
CLiPER presented at Cersaie 2016 theDanube, Amur and Amazonia Series.
CLiPER presented at Cersaie 2016 the Victória, Veneza, Torrens and Como Series.
CLiPER presented at Cersaie 2015 the Marine and Aquilon Series.
English orem. Cras a quam felis. In suscipit nibh eu diam elementum consequat. Integer tincidunt leo ac fringilla rhoncus. Vestibulum gravida ut urna at sodales. Fusce dapibus in ligula non hendrerit. Duis suscipit condimentum velit sit amet volutpat. Praesent venenatis rhoncus
Our website is under maintenance.
We are currently updating information on our products and catalogs and ask for your understanding.