
Application and Maintenance

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The correct installation of Porcelain sandstone not only enhances the aesthetic beauty but can also prevent detachment of applied mosaics or rupture caused by these external agents.

  1. During the application, we recommend takingout of the pallet5 or 6 boxes andmixing the parts in orderto obtaina homogeneouscolouron the pavement.Theinstallation surfacemust beperfectly leveledandcleanofdust, grease, remains of paintswhich may causebad adhesion. Extend the adhesive cementonthe substrate with atoothedstrip(comb) with approximately 8 to 10mm of height.Placethe mosaicson thewet cement, pressing the parts, doinga smallreciprocating movement (back and forward)to achieve a greater coverageon the dorsumof the mosaic,respecting theexpansion jointset. Waita minimum of 24 hours fromthe endingof the applicationuntil the starting of the grouting.
  2. Applythe mosaicswithexpansion joints (minimum of 3 to 4 mm) according to the aesthetic effect and shapedesired, using for that, spacedcrosspieces. Provided by the rules, this recommendationisessential forceramics that are boiled athigh temperatures. It alsoallows you to alignthe mosaics, one by theother,and turns cleaningandhygieneflooring easier. The expansion jointsmust be cleanof fragmentsordirt witha uniform depth. For the groutingof the Porcelain sandstone, it is recommended to wet the surface previously and applythe cement witha hard rubber spatula, making repeated passagesdiagonally acrossthe joints, cleaning the remains ofcementwith the samespatula.Before drying, cleaning mustbe done witha softspongein clean water. Protect thefloorwiththickcards or plasticif the workis not completed, so that if it is necessaryto performfurther workit won’t damage thefloorapplied.
  3. In case of applicationonexisting pavement,to eliminatethe differences inflatness(surface irregularities) andpromote goodadhesion, it is advisable tosand the surfacewithan abrasivegraindiscorput a layer ofself-levelingproduct.
  4. Inlargepavingsurfaces, interior or exterior, isessential to providean elasticexpansion joint(around the perimeterandinternally)according to the normativeprescriptionsof application
  5. After the application ofmosaics, it is convenient toclean thesurfaceapplied, usingacid-baseddetergentto removelime deposits. To protectthe joints it isimportant towet the surfacebefore the applicationand clean the water with a dry cloth.
  6. Fordailymaintenance,usetraditionaldetergentsfollowingthe manufacturer’s recommendations. Inthe presence ofstains,it is important toidentify the typeof stainin order to avoidusing productsthat maynot be suitable and can stain the mosaics even more.


To remove stains or other dirt is recommended to use:
• For grease vegetal or animal substances, beer, wine, coffee: use detergents with alkaline solution (caustic soda, potash).
• For limestone deposits, cement, rust, oxidation, ink from an Inkwell: use detergents with acid (hydrochloric acid, nitric, sulfuric, oxalic).
• For varnishes, paints, resinous inks or glaze, oil, tire brand: use Solvents (diluent, turpentine and acetone).

Have great caution when using concentrated acids or other chemicals. Carefully follow the manufacturers’ instructions indicated on the packaging.
The excellent technical characteristics of Porcelain sandstone, such as the low porosity (water absorption) which ensures frost resistance, high flexural strength and abrasion resistance, besides its aesthetic beauty, it also allows its application indoor and outdoor areas in residential or services, hotels, shopping centers, schools, restaurants, terraces, etc

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